Binding Start Dates
under review
Nicole Gibson
When setting up an experience with set dates, it would be ideal if those dates were mandatory to be followed at both the starting and ending times. Right now, only end times are enforced, but setting a start date that does not allow students to start their project until the date set would be ideal to ensure consistency across the board with larger programs. This could be an option when setting up the experience, if it is mandated or not.
Emily Masching
under review
Emily Masching
Nicole Gibson this one is possible, just need to consider prioritization for it, as well as user experience. When we launched the binding deadlines feature (which enforces deadlines) it did lead to a big spike in user support enquiries. This was necessary, but we can expect some similar escalations if we add binding start dates.
How critical is it that students be barred from starting early? What's the support impact?
And 2 related questions:
- Is it an option to just not form the teams until they can start?
- Are these experiences with applications or without?
Nicole Gibson
Emily Masching
The impact for Advance Ontario if students start early is that they may be starting before the rest of the students on that project which could cause confusion, and it can also cause confusion for us when we pay folks as there is a potential that the project now takes more than 8 weeks because they "started" on platform before they actually started working.
There is no option to not form teams until the start date as this is an experience with applications and it is for the employers to accept the students within 2 weeks. We have asked them to accept quickly to ensure students have time to apply to other projects should they need to.
I think for this program specifically, and I think LevelUp will be similiar, is that we have been very firm with deadlines for everything and I think that it is difficult when we cannot enforce this structure which then leads to confusion from students and employers, when we have been so firm on all other dates. In the spirit of cohorting being able to have full control is just much more beneficial to our ability to set perimeters for these programs.