Open to Hiring badge for Employers
under review
Alana Doak
This is a great idea Melissa Carr Rowe! This is something that comes up on the PPD side of the house where some programs like Tech Talent Boost Washington, specifically only will accept projects with employers that are open to hiring. This will certainly help the team identify employers for programs like this. Emily Masching
Emily Masching
under review
Emily Masching
Melissa Carr Rowe what's the background on this one? Is this coming from customer interest?
Melissa Carr Rowe
Emily Masching yes, it's been mentioned by several customers that it would be beneficial to be able to know immediately who would be open to hiring because they'd give preference to those employers as it's a demonstration of commitment to students in the long term. UVA, York, and UCW have all brought this up to me directly.
Emily Masching
Melissa Carr Rowe OK thanks! My immediate concern is that companies will set this and then we'll have little means to get them to ever update it again, so it may not be super accurate. I'm going to put it into our product backlog to explore though.
Melissa Carr Rowe
Emily Masching thank you - do we have any other features that we require employers to come back periodically to confirm/verify to update? Or a time delimiter where it only stays "on" for like 90 days or something and then auto shuts off if not re-enabled? I know on other platforms you have to "re-verify" certain things periodically or it shuts them off until you do. Just a thought - appreciate you looking at this suggestion!
Emily Masching
Melissa Carr Rowe A parallel would probably be a project staying "open" in the marketplace - if they don't touch that project for 90 days, it closes. We could set a reasonable timeframe to do the same for this property, but companies would have to value it enough to bother updating it.